Bodyweight Workout Routines


These are strength training workouts that you can do almost anywhere with little to no equipment. While these routines are geared towards calisthenics, they’re a familiar form of bodyweight exercises that almost anyone can benefit from. You can use these workouts to gain strength and muscle while you isolate and train different muscle groups.

If training by yourself is too much of a chore, you can gain the inspiration you need to train from joining our weekly calisthenics classes that cater for varying fitness levels, from beginner to advanced. Here, you’ll have the full advantage of training under the watchful eye of one the Defianz trainers as well as the added benefit of training in a group.

Abs And Core Workouts

Interested in six-pack abs? We’ve got four ab and core exercise routines you can incorporate into your weekly workout program.

Back And Biceps Workouts

Don’t underestimate the importance of training your back and biceps. These two muscle groups help you with everyday tasks. Choose from four back and biceps workouts to help you gain strength and definition.

Chest And Triceps Workouts

Four upper body exercise routines to help you get your chest and triceps trained. Because most chest exercises use triceps it makes sense to train both these muscles groups together.

Legs Workouts

Use these four legs workouts to tone, sculpt and strengthen your legs because no one wants to look like they forgot about let day.